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Mkhuze Airport upgrade to boost tourism

The development of Mkhuze Regional Airport has been on the cards for many years

THE much-anticipated upgrade to Mkhuze Airport will soon get underway and, once complete, will have a major impact on boosting tourism in the region.

‘uMkhanyakude District has a unique situation in that it shares borders with Swaziland, Mozambique and Mpumalanga province,’ said KZN MEC for Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs (EDTEA), Mike Mabuyakhulu, speaking at the launch of the Mkhuze Airport infrastructure upgrade project on recently.

‘uMkhanyakude must use this position for its benefit in the tourism industry. Border control brings its own challenges, but these must be overcome and turned into an advantage’.

Mabuyakhulu said the province is focusing on developing its regional airports to form an integrated system where regional airports work together with international airports within the tourism industry.

The three most important factors to be prioritised in the development of Mkhuze Airport are fencing, runway upgrades and a terminal building.

To this end, EDTEA has provided R5.4-million for the fencing of the site.

Once complete, funds for runway upgrades, to include appropriate lighting in keeping with international aviation standards, will be made available.

When it comes to constructing the terminal building, the department envisions shops, restaurants and other businesses to be established in partnerships with private investors.

‘Airports are not money-making ventures, they don’t turn a profit from landing fees and hangar fees,’ said Mabuyakhulu.

‘To ensure Mkhuze Airport is a profit-making business, developing the commercial back-end is crucial’.

He said charter flights and region-specific tourism package deals must also be considered.

EDTEA is working closely on this project with uMhlosinga Development Agency (UMDA), uMKhanyakude District‘s development agency.

Apart from necessary development for the region’s tourism industry, Mkhuze Airport will also become a vital link in the agricultural industry for the transportation of perishable food items produced on the Makhathini Flats and elsewhere in the region.


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