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UPDATE: Police arrest 120 Isithebe protestors

More than 100 people have been charged with public violence and arson

POLICE have arrested 120 protestors involved in the Isithebe protests that erupted late last night, continuing this morning.

KZN SAPS spokesperson Major Thulani Zwane issued a statement at around 1pm, saying the protestors would be charged with public violence, arson and malicious damage to property.

‘Yesterday at around 10pm members of the community embarked on a protest action,’ read the statement.

‘The protests turned violent today when four factories, a truck, two vehicles and five containers were set alight.’

Police vehicles were also damaged and eight computers were taken from one of the factory offices, two of which were later recovered.

‘More arrests are expected as police are still monitoring and diffusing the crowd,’ said Major Zwane.

‘More manpower has been deployed to control the situation.’

Based on reports from the scene, dissatisfied community members are protesting new municipal demarcations as well as the appointment of two new iNduna’s.

Police have fired rubber bullets and tear gas during intermittent clashes with protestors throughout the morning.

See a gallery of photos showcasing the protest here.

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