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Richards Bay pupil honoured for saving sister’s life

The Grade 7 pupil put her own life on the line while saving her six-year-old sister, Erin from almost drowning at Pelican Island last Saturday.

THE selfless rescue of her younger sister from a near drowning in Richards Bay a week ago has earned Beth Laas (12) a special bravery award.

During an assembly on Tuesday morning, the Richards Bay Primary School headgirl was lauded for her courageous act and received a Hero Award from Netcare 911.

The Grade 7 pupil put her own life on the line while saving her six-year-old sister, Erin from almost drowning at Pelican Island last Saturday.

On presentation of the award, Netcare 911’s Richard Schouten, who was the advanced life support paramedic who assisted on the day, said Beth acted quickly to help save her sister.

‘Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.’

‘And Beth’s bravery and selfless actions showed her love for her sibling as she overcame her fear to save her sister and her courage is commendable,’ said Schouten.

Netcare 911 spokesman, Chris Botha said they had decided to award Beth the prestigious Netcare 911 Heroes Award for her bravery.

‘We do not often give out these awards, let alone to someone so young, and this is certainly the first time we have given it to a 12-year-old for saving her sister’s life.

‘She really went that extra mile, showing real bravery under difficult circumstances.’

Beth was commended for putting her life in danger to save her sister, and little Erin was given a doctor’s set.

The young girls were playing in the shallow water on a sandbank while their father, Dries, was out on his surfboard a little distance away.

They headed back to beach and Erin disappeared under the water as they encountered a deep channel.

Beth came to her sister’s rescue and repeatedly pushed her towards the surface, but in the process swallowed a great deal of water herself.

The father and other surfers raced to the girls’ rescue and pulled them onto the boards. By then Beth had stopped breathing but they fortunately managed to get her breathing again.

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