How your child should take care of their mask

The Minister of Health Zweli Mkhize has continuously emphasised that we need to learn to co-exist with the coronavirus because it will be with us for a long time to come. When the lockdown restrictions were lowered, a mask became a necessary feature in our lives. While many people complain that they struggle to breathe …

The Minister of Health Zweli Mkhize has continuously emphasised that we need to learn to co-exist with the coronavirus because it will be with us for a long time to come. When the lockdown restrictions were lowered, a mask became a necessary feature in our lives. While many people complain that they struggle to breathe while wearing a mask, we have to wear masks for the sake of our health and the health of others. That includes children. 

The right mask for your child

According to a recommendation by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, masks should not be worn by children under two years of age. For those of mask-wearing age, you must choose the right mask size for your child.

“Pleated face coverings with elastic are likely to work best for kids. Try to find the right size for your child’s face and be sure to adjust it for a secure fit,” says The American Academy of Paediatrics. Also, consider face shields for children with respiratory issues. Dr. Jennifer Shu, a certified paediatrician and spokeswoman for the American Academy of Paediatrics, says face shields could be a good alternative for children with respiratory ailments like asthma or cystic fibrosis.

Mask hygiene and etiquette

Our duty as parents is to teach our children how best to conduct themselves so as not to get exposed to the virus. Here are a few tips to share with your children about their mask:

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