All about the sport

Shania-Lee Swart has had a love for the game since she can remember. What Game? All of them!

Since primary school she has excelled in several sports from hockey, athletics, cricket, netball and most recently soccer. She does not remember where her enthusiasm for sports started but that since primary school she has had a natural aptitude towards sports.

Shania is on the provincial teams for athletics, cricket and hockey. Recently she has obtained a silver medal at the South African Schools Athletics championship for Javelin which she says is her best event. In previous years she has taken Gold for the event. With a strong arm she participated in the shot put and discus events as well.

It was in Polokwane on from 27 March to 29 March. She would like to thank her Javelin coach, Johann Wolmarans from Curro and Mrs Hannelie Wolmarans for all the time they spent training her. Laerskool Kragbron allowed them to train inside their hall when it was not possible to train outside. “I was happy with the second place but next year I will work harder and defiantly aim for the gold medal,” said Shania-Lee.

Shania-Lee Swart.

Out of all her sporting endeavours she says that she is most fond of playing cricket and hopes to do well in the u/19 South African team trails at the end of the years. She is working hard towards that goal. “The best thing about the game is the feeling you get when scoring that 100th run,” said Shania-Lee.

Shania broadened her horizons at the beginning of this year when she started playing soccer, although she and her HTS team members have not played a game yet, they are excited to get the ball rolling…literally.

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