MP championships a breeze for eMalahleni locals

The road race was over a distance of 88 km and there was a time-trail event

Many local cyclists from eMalahleni instead of relaxing over the December holiday were on their bikes training for the Mpumalanga Road Championships.

The Mpumalanga Road Championships took place over the weekend of January 18 and 19 at Loskop Dam resort.

Jonathan and Nicholas Gautier cycling along the road near Loskop during the Mpumalanga Road Championships.

It turned out to be a lovely day for the cyclists but then it started to rain and the roads were wet, so the cyclists took extra caution on their bikes while it was raining.

The road race was over a distance of 88 km and there was a time-trail event.

Jan Montshioa won the elite men’s 88km road.

Patrice Gautier racing down the tarmac on the Loskop road.

Meanwhile in the u/23 men’s category, Adriaan du Plessis came second in the time trails.

Nicholas Gautier finished in second place and Jonathan Gautier finished in third place.

Wihl Vermaak, Andre Potgieter, Patrice Gautier and Dan Cronje did really well at the road championships.

Taking part at the Mpumalanga Road Championships from eMalahleni was Dan Cronje. Photo credit: Deon Carstens

Many of the local cyclists in eMalahleni also did extremely well at the road championships.

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