A COVID-19 emergency fund established in Ga-Nala

An emergency COVID-19 fund was established in Ga-Nala to assist families who does not have food.

The need for essential food is growing each day.

Democratic Alliance (DA) councillors, Dirk Grobler and Rika Bodenstein decided to try and help the communities around Ga-Nala during these devastating times.

“We know that there are many people who realise the severity of the financial crisis during this health crisis. And many people and groups are sacrificing their time and money to help people in need. Rika and I encounter many people that are begging for something to eat. Therefore we have created a COVID-19 emergency fund and have already distributed several food parcels,” Cllr Grobler said.

The food parcel of R150 should feed a family of three for at least a week.

“Accurate books are kept and are open to scrutiny. Various controls are in place to ensure fairness,” Cllr Grobler said.

If you want to donate to this worthy cause, you can do so by depositing funds into the following account: Capitec savings, account number: 170 497 1274. Use ‘COVID-19 emergency’ as the reference.

For more information contact Cllr Grobler on 082 920 5137 or Cllr Bodenstein: 060 735 5443.


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