
Chicken in Balsamic Barbecue Sauce

True South African style chicken!


8 chicken breasts, Medium
1 small onion, Finely Chopped
60 ml olive oil
180 ml balsamic vinegar
45 ml sugar
90 ml ketchup
30 ml Worcestershire sauce
4 green onions, Chopped
1 chicken bouillon cube, Crushed
5 ml salt
5 ml pepper
5 ml dry mustard
3 garlic cloves, Finely Chopped
Tabasco sauce, To Taste


Combine all ingredients except chicken.
Marinate chicken in half the sauce for 3 hours or overnight.
Put remaining marinade aside.
Remove chicken from marinade, place chicken in foil-lined pan and broil until nicely browned about 10- 20
minutes per side(depending on the size), or grill on the bbq.
Heat reserved marinade and pour over chicken. Serve.

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