
Chaos exists in our city

I was born and raised in this little town that was known as Witbank.

In this little town when I was 10 years old the last street in the town was Duncan Street, most of the streets were tarred with the exception of one here and there that was a gravel road. The park down town King George Park was the pride and joy of all, where on Sundays the families got together to listen to brass bands playing in surrounds that were clean with toilet facilities.

Today it is filthy with no toilet facilities for people that sit there for relaxation. The then council saw to it that roads were kept in a good state of repair. Trees were planted on the side walks and where there was grass on the side walks the grass was cut. If a pot hole emerged it was repaired immediately. Water was pure and sanitation problems hardly existed. All inhabitants paid for the service that was provided to them and the money so collected was spent on maintaining the Status Quo and every ‘penny’ accounted for. The town was known as a place inhabitants were proud of. The exception being the smoke from “Old Smokie” at the Carbide Factory.

Alas, what happened?
1994 came and I saw a new council in power controlled by a party many people said could not govern our town. I said give them a chance, they had been disadvantaged and must learn. Unfortunately they have proved they can not manage the city’s affairs. One only has to see the latest audit and drive around town to confirm this.

My hopes and dreams have been shattered.
20 Years down the line this little town now known as the city of eMahlaleni is no more the pride of the inhabitants but has deteriorated into a place. (The Pope wants to visit as it is the holiest city in South Africa) – get my pun.
The side walks are no longer attended to. These are side walks that should be attended to by the council, the streets are filthy, water is no longer crystal clear but murky, and sanitation is a problem with effluent often overflowing in the streets. Some of the roads are no longer tar, but have reverted back to gravel, with so many pot holes in it that it has become dangerous to drive in this city.

What can be done to solve this major problem we are confronted with?
Firstly I would suggest that the ruling party take cognisance of their shortcomings and embrace all councillors irrespective of their political allegiance that serve on the council and work together to find solutions to the many problems this city has and that when a problem has been identified action is taken to rectify it and not to procrastinate.

For instance Hertzog and Jellicoe Street, where notices have been put up by the council informing the owners that they have breached building rules This was published in the Witbank News that the council will take action. To date nothing has been done. Why not? It seems as though the council lacks the resolve to carry out its own mandate.
People just ignore law and order and this creates the chaos that exists in our city.
To whom it may concern, please do some thing to save this city. It can be done.

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