Dear Editor

I would like to commend and thank all those who work with and accommodate the old and aged.

We all need to be reminded which is from God’s word and one of his commandments is to honour your father and mother. I have seen many an old aged mother or father who does not see their children or grandchildren. They sit alone in a room and are in need of a plate of food, a visit from their children, a hug and just to know that they are loved and not forgotten.

I ask all Christian religious leaders to remind their congregation when the call is made to place their monies or tithes in the collection plate with regard to God’s commandment, I quote Matthew 15 verse 4-6, Jesus speaking about the Pharisees; “For instance, God’s law is honour your mother and father, anyone who reviles his parents must die, but you say, even if your parents are in need, you may give their support money to the church instead, and so by your man-made rule, you nullify the direct command of God to honour and care for your parents, you hypocrites.”

So, brothers and sisters, before you place your monies in the church plate ask yourself, do you have a parent in need and then rather place your money there first. Thus you are honouring the direct command of God to honour and care for your parents. Amen.

Thanking you

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