
Importance of Family in our lives

The word family has multiple meanings in the dictionary. It is a social unit living together or parents and their children, considered as a group, whether dwelling together or not, but it is much more than that.

Family is the first learning place of an individual in this world. Starting from childhood until old age, one learns everything from one’s family. A person sees family members walking and starts trying that. A person sees them speaking and tries to copy them. Gradually that person learns the basic communication skills among individuals in the family and also learns how to love, how to behave and how to come along in life. This develops a sort of affection among all family members. They are always there to help each other.

The family systems works like a chain. Younger people learn from elders while elders depend on their children for a lot of things. When children grow up, get married and have their own children, the whole cycle is repeated again. Family members will always come to your rescue whenever you need them. They always support you in different ways whether it is financial or moral.

You can always share your problems with your family and you will find a better solution for your problems after discussion in the house. We can not make it without our family in life. It is one of the greatest blessings of God. We often meet people who have lost their family for one reason or another. We have noticed that such people have a very unbalanced personality, mainly because their family was not there when it was needed. People who leave their family and do everything on their own often turn out to be the bad characters of society.

This is because they lack the training they missed from the family .Even if one of the parents is missing, it makes a huge difference in developing the personality of a child. There is always something lacking in them.

When you are disillusioned by the outside world, your family is always there to fall back on. Your family always accepts you with all your mistakes and weaknesses and still loves you. No one in the world would do that .There is never a substitute for the love of a mother, father, wife, child or your siblings. Younger people these days often consider family a burden over themselves and try to get away from them. They actually fail to realize that family is the group that has made them so strong to face the world without any help.

Mutual affection trust and distribution of responsibilities in the family are the strengths this relationship. All the good in us is due to our family .It is not inborn. We have learnt it from our family. Our family has made us strong enough to face this world.

Considering all the aspects, we can say family is one of the greatest gifts of nature to us. Stay blessed and love your family.

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