A little fear can be good for you

Like most things in life you can get too much of a good thing, but having none of a good thing at all can be pretty bad as well.

For example fear can become a good thing in moderate amounts.
It is how Brian essentially keeps me alive. It is fear that tells me to keep my windows rolled up while driving through a wild life reserve. Unlike the poor American woman who wrongly assumed a lion lying the shade next to road for being tame or animatronics (apparently she was a special effects designer).

A local example of a healthy measure of fear, or the lack there of, was when a guy was forced to drive three robbers to Nelspruit in his own car at gunpoint. He apparently lied about being out of petrol and then decided it was a good idea to fight the robber for control of the gun. He apparently won and threw the gun into the bushes. Brian and I struggle to see how any of that was a good idea.

Maybe however it was not bravery but compete overwhelming sensation of fear. I can only glimpse the worst case scenarios if you had driven them to Nelspruit. Imagine ending up tied up in the middle of nowhere in winter, or ending up dead at the bottom of a river next to the highway. Excuse my bluntness but that scares the heeby geebys out of me. Maybe I would have also taken my chances with an armed criminal at a petrol station with a dozen security cameras.

Perhaps it was none of these things and maybe he judged that these criminals were totally incompetent. Apparently they needed him to drive his own car because they did not know how to drive. Maybe as he became subject to the robbers, he realised that they did not know which side of the gun was the business end and their collective knowledge of how to perform a robbery comes from 90s action movies.
It could be that he is some kind of secret superhero and bullets bounce off his chest like rubber balls and he had nothing to fear in the first place.

I guess Brian and I will never know what motivated this man to fight back against an armed robber but he was unharmed.
Whatever happened that night, robbers will hopefully think twice before firing their getaway driver for speeding with a company vehicle? A written warning works just as well.

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