Xenophobia – LOL

I know Brian likes to make light of things here, but this week I would like to address Xenophobia which is no laughing matter. It breaks my hearts to hear about the killing and collateral damage being done.

I would however like to point out the laughable irony surrounding all of this like a fly surrounding a gourmet buffet. Yeah democracy, and yeah freedom of everything!
“Listen: Our culture is saturated with irony whether we know it or not,” author Barbra Kruger said that and I thought it fits quite well.
Every election politicians brings up the last 20 years as an era of peace and prosperity.
“Look world! We have one of the most democratic constitutions in the world. Look how awesome we are!” Democracy is a victory, and the last 20 years has been an era of liberty, but liberty and prosperity does not always go side by side.

High profile politicians lining up outside of court on corruption charges have become so normal, that people would rather change the channel to watch Jersey Shore than hear about another corruption case.
Violent crimes such as rape, murder and assault are contributing more and more to the national crime statistics until that is all they become… a number. Need I even mention load shedding? No I need not.

So when South Africans who can’t get a job attack foreign nationals stealing their ‘work’ seems like the best solution in a time when we are still getting over more than 50 years of oppression and inequality, I find it hysterical. I Brian and I talk humorously about current event then this is the biggest joke of all. Ha…ha…ha.

Now investigators say that these attacks might be spurred on by criminal syndicates. Oh that makes everything better; criminals are more savvy and organised than we thought. If honest, hard working people were half as creative, and motivated as a career criminal we would be a super power by now. In the meantime people with the foresight of a spoon actually believe that burning and killing will get them a job. I would like to see their CV. Applying for the position of pyro technician. Previous work experience: burnt down several shops and house during 2015 xenophobia attacks. Referral: homeless Nigerian family.

I am angry, and the funny thing is I don’t know who to be angry at. How on earth must those people feel who lost their homes, and families to these attacks? For once I can’t even imagine it.

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