ATMs and acronyms

Acronyms can be pretty interesting. For example At The Moment (ATM), A Terrified Man (ATM), is hospitalised, after being shot at an automatic teller machine (ATM) downtown.

Ok, so I am not going to win any awards for my masterful ‘skillz’ with English etymology, but today I am going to play with powers beyond my control. I am going to redefine the acronym for ATM… Kids don’t try this at home.

I, based on advice from my masochistic brain, propose that we should rename the Automatic Teller Machine to Aggravation Target for Maliciousness. We name things and places based on specific features or characteristics. A computer computes, a telephone phones, and a popcorn maker makes popcorn. So an automatic teller machine is supposed to be just that… do teller thing automatically but instead it seems to be a danger zone. Just of the top of my head, ATM bombings, various fraud and armed robbery.

Just this weekend there were two reported armed robberies at ATMs in the Central Business District (CBD).
Before all you opinionated readers jump on your high horse and ride it into battle, I know what you are thinking.
“Why are people drawing money downtown anyway? They should know it is dangerous.”

Well it might very well be dangerous but why are there ATMs in dangerous areas in the first place? Don’t the banks create crime hotspots for criminals by making ATM available at night without any additional security to the clients? Without naming names there is a South African bank that only has ATMs at their branches, and lets you swipe your bank card for free. Other banks have built mechanisms that stain the money if it gets bombed.

However there is one bank that has none of these things. That is coincidentally the bank that the ATM in question belongs to.

I am not saying they are responsible for the crime, or that they could have prevented it. I do believe that a bank can make it as easy or as difficult as they want to for robbers to target their ATMs.

I am really hoping that Aggravation Target for Maliciousness sticks. Maybe I can make some T-shirts.

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