BlogsEditor's noteOpinion

Filling in the gaps

I am sure everyone is well aware of all the potholes that are being fixed around town? It is kind of a big deal. All those years of taking pictures of pothole after pothole ultimately amounted to very little in the grand scheme of things.

The day we start taking pictures of people fixing potholes it seems that everybody has suddenly rallied the troops and made some phone calls, got things done. It is really great to see roads that looked like Swiss cheese become solid strips of tar. The Swiss cheese is the one with the hole in it for the culturally challenged.

This push in the right direction can do two ways. By two ways I don not mean a fork in the road I mean one way goes straight to a brighter future and the other makes a U turn back to Swiss Cheese-ville if get what I’m saying.

The first open requires the residents of this city to continue in and expand on the good work being done. It requires everyone to get involved on some level and do their part, and it requires the continued co-operation of local government.

The other road (filled with potholes) leads back to square one, where the positive attitude dies down, and local government once again gets bogged down with technicalities, and delays.

The saying goes, “fix a community’s potholes and they will drive on a smooth road for a week, but give a community a sustainable plan to maintain their potholes and they will drive on a smooth road for a really long time.”

Or it could have been something about fish but the point we need to start thinking long term and we need to be asking what do the people running the city have planned for the long term?

Remember the tar is always smoother on the other side, or was that something about grass?

One Comment

  1. Its no use repairing the potholes on the main roads just to get the vote in the up coming elections. The residential areas are the worst affected areas ?

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