
Growing up…

Sometimes it does feel like I should have accomplished more by now, but I am only 23, my whole life is ahead of me.

It feels just like yesterday I was eating cereal in front of the TV, watching cartoons before starting my day.

Okay, maybe it was yesterday, but the point I want to get to is that my generation is growing up. 1997, 1998 and 1999 babies are levelling up in life and its happening with a bang.

Friends that wrote matric with me five years ago, yes five, is already engaged, already married and even having children.

I am not even close to this stage in my life yet. Sometimes it does feel like I should have accomplished more by now, but I am only 23, my whole life is ahead of me. Yes, you are settled by 23 and wow what an accomplishment.

But for those who are still building and reaching for these goals, don’t wish the time away, patience is your biggest weapon. Don’t forget to enjoy the ride on your way to being ‘grown up’. Do exciting things with friends, you might just meet your wife or husband.

Take that new opportunity; it might give you the job you love. Travel and see places, you will be able to tell your kids stories before bed. I’m not saying you should be 17 again and wear neon Tomy Takkies at the age of 25. Just continue being you, everything will fall into place at the right time.

There is no race in growing up ‒ so you bought your first car at 30, you got married by 35 and got your degree at 40. Age doesn’t define what you accomplish in life, you are still winning, as long as you are moving and keep going.

Being ‘growing up’ is not a certain age, it is something that happens every day.

Wow, I sound inspirational, maybe I am growing up ‘wink wink’.

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