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No more illegal dumping in eMalahleni Ward 20

Residents are urged to report all illegal dumping in the area to Councillor Maureen Scheepers directly.

Illegal dumping sites in Ward 20 are a huge problem and this is one of the many issues that is being tackled head-on by the ward councillor, Clr Maureen Scheepers.

On Tuesday, August 16, an awareness campaign against the illegal dumping taking place in the area has been launched.

“I think people use this part of eMalahleni as dumping grounds because there are many open fields and of course the gravel road situated between Blancheville and Jackaroo Park, also known as the SPCA road. My main focus at this stage however is the dumping that is taking place along the railway line in Jackaroo Park in Booyong Street” explained Scheepers

Scheepers further explained how she is planning to set out one Saturday a month to clean up some of these dumping sites.

“I am launching a “clean-up campaign” and try to clean some of these sites myself, I welcome anyone that would like to join me on these days to make contact with me for further arrangements.”

Scheepers explained that she reports any person that is found dumping in the ward.

“When I am sent photo evidence, or I come across people dumping I report the matter with the details to the relevant department, and they are issued with fines,” said Scheepers.

Scheepers urged residents to report all illegal dumping in the area to her direct and requested residents that would like to make a difference to join her in this cleaning campaign.

“I have a job to do, and like I have stated before I am here to work and to make Ward 20 great again, this will no longer be the forgotten ward. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty and will help wherever I can,” Scheepers concluded.

Clr Scheepers can be contacted on 082 565 6770.

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