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Business robberies still on the rise

Armed robberies of businesses in eMalahleni are still increasing.

Businesses in the CBD have long been plagued by armed robberies, and it seems this particular type of crime is rearing its ugly head again.


On Saturday, April 27 in Smuts Street at 17:30, an unknown man wearing dark clothes allegedly pulled out a firearm inside a sports betting business full of customers.


The customers inside the business all ran out.


According to police, this is when the assailant demanded at gunpoint that the staff member on duty take him to the office where they store the money.


The staff member took the gunman to the office where other staff members were working as well.


He then allegedly held everyone at gunpoint and took the cash that they were busy counting that was on top of a table.


The gunman was allegedly disappointed with the amount of cash and demanded that the staff open the safe.


After opening the safe, the suspect then took the female staff member hostage and used her as a way to get out of the building.


Once he could safely make his getaway, he let the staff member go and ran off.


The suspect is unknown but was speaking isiZulu. The investigation into the matter is still ongoing.


Another business armed robbery happened at a popular petrol station in the CBD on Sunday, May 5 in the early hours of the morning.


According to police, a slender man entered the convenience shop of the petrol station.


He walked up to the till counter and asked a cashier to give him R5 airtime.


When the cashier handed him the airtime, he allegedly pulled a firearm out and held the cashier at gunpoint, demanding money.


The cashier told police that he gave the gunman a small amount of cash but was then threatened that he should stop playing games, or he would be shot.


The cashier then handed over all the cash in the drawer to the assailant. According to police the suspect grabbed the money and ran away.


WITBANK NEWS attempted to contact victims of the armed robberies, but they were too traumatised to speak.


“We ask businesses to please be vigilant and put measures in place to prevent armed robberies,” said Witbank SAPS spokesperson, Captain Eddie Hall.


The investigation into this matter is also still ongoing.


Anyone from the public who can assist the Witbank Police in arresting the suspects involved in these crimes can contact Witbank Detective Services standby number 079 891 4809 or crime stop on 086 0010 111 or contact the MYSAPSAPP.


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