30-year-old man assaulted for wrong reasons

An innocent man in his home falls victim to a vicious assault sparked by a misunderstanding over alleged social media insults.

A 30-year-old man fell prey to being a victim of a brutal assault and malicious property damage after a case of mistaken identity.

The incident is believed to have occurred when the victim, who was peacefully watching TV at his residence, answered a knock at the door.

According to accounts, the complainant described how five men barged into his residence, launching a storm of fists and kicks.

Confused and in distress, the complainant inquired about the motivation for the attack, only to be told by one of the suspects that they were retaliating for alleged insults on a social media platform.

Despite the complainant’s attempts to emphasise that he had been wrongfully accused, the assault continued.

The situation took an unexpected turn when one of the suspects wanted access to the victim’s social media account.

It was at this point that they realised their catastrophic mistake: They had targeted the wrong person.

Recognising the mistake, the suspects immediately stopped the assault.

They encouraged the victim to take legal action against the actual perpetrator of the claimed social media comments.

Vosman Police Station spokesperson Captain Elizabeth Hlathi said, “No arrest has been made so far; however, police are optimistic that arrests are imminent.”

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