Witbank Probus Club hosts annual Christmas party

The club presented an Honorary Life Membership award to Malcolm de Astui.

Witbank Probus Club summed up their yearly activities for the year with the annual Christmas Lunch.

The Christmas party held on Wednesday, November 29 saw the members enjoy, relax, and feast on the delicious lunch prepared by the ladies of the Women’s Agricultural Union.

Wilna and Dean Wilson.

Past President, Dean Wilson said that the club’s members also used the occasion to recognise and honour Malcolm de Astui.

Lorna Bannayne.

In recognition of Malcolm’s hard work and camaraderie over many years, he was presented with Honorary Life Membership.

He went on to share that the club is for retired or semi-retired people who want to enhance their retirement through social interaction and activities that will be of interest to all the members.

Lynn Schoobert, and Linda Volschenk.

During the event Dean touched on various activities the club participated in during the year, which included a visit to the cemetery at the Balmoral Concentration Camp.

In closing the president said that any retired person over the age of 60 is welcome to join Probus.

Chris Sonnekus, and Corrie Redman.

The club meets at the Moth Cottages at 12:30 on the second Wednesday of the month. Interested people can contact Dean: 082 940 7792.


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