New Life Church men’s breakfast revives fatherhood values

The men's breakfast served as yet another testament to the church's commitment to fostering a sense of belonging and love in an orphaned world.

New Life Church, renowned for its empowering gatherings, hosted an unforgettable men’s breakfast.

The event on Saturday, July 29, led by the esteemed Pastor Sarel van der Merwe, left attendees with a renewed sense of purpose as fathers in their homes and a profound understanding of the need for a perfect father through adoption.

Excellent Mokoena.

The morning commenced with an electrifying atmosphere as men from all walks of life gathered at the church.

Pastor Sarel, known for his inspirational teachings, did not disappoint.


Raymond Boswell, Charl Peens, Ryan Langkilde and Pastor San van der Merwe.

He shared the significance of fatherhood within the context of modern society, urging attendees to embrace their roles as nurturing and guiding figures in their families.

Excellent Mokeona and Raphale Mmakola.

As the session progressed, the pastor delved into a thought-provoking concept – viewing Earth as an orphan planet that craves the love and guidance of a perfect father.

Clement Mona, David Nanyane, and Stanley Mahlangu.

He highlighted the universal longing for connection, acceptance, and belonging that drives humanity’s quest for spiritual fulfilment.

Raphale Mmakola.

The event concluded with heartfelt prayers and a shared commitment to putting the teachings into action, both as fathers and as agents of change in a world yearning for a father’s love.


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