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Traditional policing concept rolled out in Klarinet

Coming together in fighting crime is the answer, Inkosi Gwaragwa 11 Mabena believes.

During the traditional policing concept roll-out, Inkosi Gwaragwa 11 Mabena thanked the police on behalf of the community because he believes that coming together in fighting is one of the best ways.

Inkosi Mabena was speaking at the Klarinet Stadium on Saturday, July 1.

He insisted that all must join hands because some of the criminals are our brothers, uncles, boyfriends and girlfriends, and people we know in the community.

 “We need to help the police to fight crime and report crime as it happens in our areas. Police do their jobs and hand over criminals to the court. If they are set free, please do not blame the police; the matter lies with our justice system. We also know that some police members accept bribes, and that must be stopped; they need to be put behind bars because they are criminals as well,” said Inkosi Mabena.

Inkosi said that even though they were happy with the roll-out, his wish is that if the roll-out could be extended to other areas of the Nkangala district, it could bring service near to the people.

Inkosi Gwaragwa 11 Mabena during the traditional policing concept rolled out in Klarinet on Saturday, July 1.

Colonel One Thobejane addressed the problems they encounter as police during the initiation time.

He said that they need to work closely with traditional leaders to solve the problems encountered.

Colonel One Thobejane.

He told parents that they must make sure that their children go to the legal ‘schools’ and recognised places that have permits to conduct the initiation schools.

Furthermore, he promised that they are going to arrest people who hold initiation schools without the proper documents.

 “Parents, make sure that those schools are the correct ones because some of the children are kidnapped and taken to the schools. Parents need to give their consent before their children are taken. Failing to do so is a crime,” said Thobejane.

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