Future soccer stars shine on the field

Future soccer stars are starting on a winning streak.

Learners from Tasbet Park Primary have been making their school proud with their performance at a recent super league soccer tournament. 

The two teams have both finished at the top of their game after competing against other schools and teams. 

The tournament took place in term two in eMalahleni and it has been the first time the school took part in the league.

“Our u. 7 and u.8 teams did not lose one match,” said their coach Annika Prinsloo.


“We are very proud of our teams, seeing as it is their first time taking part, I was very hesitant at first and thought of pulling out of the competition as I felt the teams were not completely ready to compete, but I am so glad that was not the case. These teams did so well,” concluded the coach. 

The teams are done with matches for the year but are excited for what is to come for these young future soccer stars.  


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