
Give a pint on Human Rights Day

SANBS will be open on March 21 from 09:00 to 16:00 at their branch at Saveways Centre.

Human Rights Day, marked annually on March 21, is a national observation and proclamation of the rights we enjoy in our country.

This iconic day is a reminder of the price that was paid for the human rights that we enjoy today.

Health is a basic human right. Every year, thousands of South Africans receive life-saving blood transfusions that are made possible by the selfless acts of our donors.

A right that we all enjoy, owing to the comprehensive South African Bill of Rights preserved in our constitution.

For over 21 years, the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) has been driven by its mission, to save lives and ensure that every citizen has access to blood transfusions when they are in need. This cannot be done without the invaluable contribution of dedicated donors.

This year, SANBS is not only encouraging healthy members of the public to visit their nearest donor centre to do their part for Human Rights Day; but it is asking each one to bring one. As was demonstrated by the powerful movement that gave rise to Human Rights Day, SANBS believes that there is power in numbers.

“We observe Human Rights Day to emphasise our commitment to equal access to healthcare services – which is one of our constitutional human rights. Inspired by this year’s theme, #LeaveNoOneBehind, we encourage South Africans to bring someone along to their donation this Human Rights Day weekend,” said Thandi Mosupye, SANBS Senior Manager: Marketing Communication and Brand.

Follow @theSANBS on all major social media platforms for updates. To be eligible to donate blood, you have to be between 16 and 75 years old and weigh more than 50kg.

Did you know?

  • Less than 1% of South Africans are active blood donors.
  • A unit of blood only lasts 42 days after donation and, for this reason, blood donors need to donate regularly.
  • Donors can give blood as often as every eight weeks.
  • Every unit of blood can save a minimum of three lives as blood is separated into red blood cells, plasma and platelets.
  • SANBS aims to collect 3 000 units of blood per day to ensure a safe and sufficient blood supply in the healthcare system.

Tell us how many units of blood have you donated in your lifetime, email:

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