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Grab the palette and align your ‘dots’

Sometimes in life, you are bombarded with an array of opportunities after feeling stagnant for a long period. Leaving you to feel like a mosaic painting. However, if we step back, take a breath and grab the palette, the opportunities may unfold to reveal a masterpiece.

“Let’s loosen up some time and take a break to re-calibrate our life. We need no endless overthinking, though. Let’s just connect the dots, set the scene, and steam ahead. (‘On a casual day without a tie’)” ‒ Erik Pevernagie.


Have you ever felt like a mosaic painting?


However, instead of feeling beautiful and calm like art is supposed to be, you feel confused and dazed about what you should do in life; like a massive mosaic painting with so many bright coloured dots, your head hurts.


What do I mean by bright-coloured dots? Opportunities.


Say you reach a moment in life where several opportunities pop up at once, so many that either one you follow will be a different route and leave you feeling like an overdone mosaic: Confused.


This made me wonder about Belgian painter Erik’s quote when he says we need time to connect the dots.


Sometimes we miss opportunities because we are trapped in our endlessly overthinking minds.


Instead of connecting our dots, we get lost in our thoughts and sucked into the overthinking loop.


We miss our chances to steam ahead into a particular scene because we’re caught up in our current circumstances, believing that we must follow the most logical route dominated by finances.


We become so stuck in our current circumstances due to overthinking that we start to believe that our ‘current’ is where we belong because it makes ‘sense’ at the end of the day.


Life can be many things, and sometimes, it’s the circumstances you find yourself in, with its blatant disregard for your happiness and its focus on sculpting you into a version of yourself it desires, but you are not.


Plainly put, opportunities can be bright dots, but life (circumstances) can be the b@!#h that blurs your dot-connecting activity and renders you afraid of the piece of art your life can become if you only sit back, loosen your tie, and re-calibrate.


In the end, it boils down to one question: Will you allow life (in the form of current circumstances) to blur your dots?

Or will you loosen the tie, grab the palette, and say: “I am the artist of my own damn painting, and circumstance will not blind me to the opportunities that can create a masterpiece?”


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