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Theft and public violence a norm in Phola

Serg Thabang Petros Ntuli, Phola Corporate Communications Official advised motorists to park their vehicles inside their yards and not on the road.

Several cases of public violence and theft were reported in Phola.

Community members from Phola are seemingly far from safe, even in their own homes.

Robbers are sparing no one this festive season as they were hard at work in Phola.

Although criminal activity can not be stopped overnight, it seems as though the issue of constant power cuts has resulted in crime-increasing statistics.

The first two cases of theft took place while victims were experiencing load shedding.

In the area of the new stands in Phola, it is alleged at around 23:30 on Friday, December 9, the victim had switched off his generator and afterward placed it outside the house to cool off.

The victim claims to have gone back inside his house and fallen asleep.

It is suspected when the victim woke up and went back outside to check for the generator, he realised that it had been stolen.

A similar but separate incident took place in the area of Ezipokweni.

The victim alleged that everything was in order on Saturday evening, but when community members phoned him in the early hours of Sunday morning claiming the lights have since not come back on, he began to worry.

It is believed Ezipokweni community members informed the victim of the situation.

The victim claims he went to inspect and monitor the issue and upon arrival, he found a 14-metre-long cable to the value of an undisclosed amount of money had been stolen.

It is alleged that the suspects tampered with essential infrastructure before using a sharp object to cut the property’s cable.

The new trend involves perpetrators helping themselves to valuable utilities inside vehicles that may seem to be left unattended, especially at night or in the early hours of the morning.

The victim alleged that when he left his place of residence, all windows and doors were closed.

At approximately 11:00 on Saturday, December 10 everything was in order.

Upon return the following day, it is suspected that the victim found one of the windows broken and shattered.

The victim claims to have begun to search for missing items, and he found the bonnet of his car opened and the battery was stolen.

In Iraq section Phola, another robbery took place on Friday, December 9.

At around 05:00, the victim claims he was in bed sleeping and his Quantum taxi was parked outside with the doors locked and windows closed.

It is further alleged as the victim was sleeping, he heard his mother scream that the door to the taxi is wide open.

It is said the victim immediately rushed to check, he saw that the left sliding door was half opened along with the front left door.

The victim further claims to have noticed that his sound system had been stolen.

On Thursday, December 8 at approximately 20:50 at Vulindlela Substation, a police van was stoned whilst attending a crime scene, where it is alleged individuals were protesting.

It is said that the gate and sewerage pipe were stolen, and burning tyres and stones were used to blockade the road.

Serg Thabang Petros Ntuli, Phola Corporate Communications Official advised motorists to park their vehicles inside their yards and not on the road.

He further said that community members should always be vigilant, lock their doors and gates and report suspicious behaviour to the police.

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