
Christmas Day plans

Pastor Ryan Langkilde’s column always leaves food for thought.

They say that Christmas is a time of family, memories, good food, and gifts.


But we know that more than anything else, Christmas is a time to celebrate Jesus. 


To celebrate God in the flesh – that God is here. 


And I can’t think of a better place to do that than with your Christian brothers and sister in church. 


There is something so significant about going to church with those you love on Christmas day. 


As a family, we’ve always tried to make this the priority of the day, no matter where we were. Why? Because it shows that I believe that Jesus Christ is the best gift of all and that this day is really all about Him.


It allows me time to celebrate the love and grace of God, and worship God for His generosity.


It refocuses my mind off all the Christmas distractions and reminds me of what is most important.


And I know it must please the heart of God to see His children all gather together to thank Him – these moments become a sweet-smelling fragrance in Heaven.


At the end of the day, it’s a very normal thing for me to thank those that buy me gifts – so of course, I want to thank God for Jesus!


If you love and believe in Jesus, may you also be found in His house this Christmas day.


It happens to be on a Sunday this year, making it uniquely special. Don’t go through the day without thanking and worshipping Him. Find a church family and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ!


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