
December had an ‘explosive’ start for a man allegedly in possession of explosives

Kriel Police spokesperson Constable Angel Makubu pleaded with the community to be vigilant and to report any suspicious actions to the police

A suspect accused of having explosives in his possession appeared before Kriel Magistrate’s Court.

He was arrested on December 8 and appeared in court on Monday, December 12.

A security guard on duty noticed a suspicious-looking man walking toward the exit of the gate where he was stationed. He claimed that he stopped the man who was approximately in his early fifties to search him.

According to the guard the man had a bag with him and upon searching the bag; he found five explosives sticks inside.

He further claims that he proceeded to ask if he had a pass for the explosives, but the suspect could not explain, and the security then decided to call the police. All role players were informed.

Kriel Police spokesperson Constable Angel Makubu warned the public to stay safe.

“During this time of the year crime is high. As a result, we plead with the community to be vigilant and to report any suspicious actions to the police or security guards at shops.”

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