Swift response leads to arrest of suspects after robbery in Klipfontein

The man that was nearly hijacked yesterday was rushed to Midmed Hospital.

A robbery had all eyes on Klipfontein following robbers as they fled the scene at a well-known liquor store in the suburb as the week got out of the starting blocks. 


According to police, six armed men surprised staff at Liquor Legends at 17:00.


The staff was held at gunpoint and the robbers demanded liquor and cash. 


Unfortunately for the robbers, someone managed to press the panic button. Responders from CSC Virtual Guarding and Polsec Security arrived at the liquor outlet shortly afterward.  


Mr Piet Cromhout, chief executive officer of the company, picked up the chain of events from there. 


“Our responder arrived on the scene shortly after the alarm was received. As he got out of his vehicle, the robbers started shooting at him. Keeping in mind that there are civilians in the surrounding area, our responder started chasing the suspects as they fled the scene with their loot in hand.”


Backup arrived, and the responders started the chase. 


The aftermath tells its own story of the CSC Virtual Guarding’s response vehicle.


Captain Eddie Hall, Witbank police spokesperson said the alleged robbers scattered into the surrounding streets and tried to hijack a small pick-up truck a block further.


“The driver refused to give up his vehicle and the robbers opened fire and shot the driver twice before running off,” Hall said.


Over the Zello emergency channel, residents were calling in indicating where the robbers are running to, sharing helpful information as the responders, SAPS, and community policing forum (CPF) members gave chase. 


In Hans Strydom Street, the responders from CSC Virtual Guarding caught up with the suspects.


“One of the alleged robbers started shooting at our responder, and he retaliated, fatally wounding the robber. A second suspected robber was caught a bit further on and arrested,” Cromhout said. 


Police found a gun next to the body of the dead suspect. It is not yet determined if the gun was stolen. 


This gun was found next to the suspect that was fatally shot.


The driver of the pick-up truck was rushed to Midmed Hospital in Middelburg.


“The patient was critical and the moment we arrived at the hospital he was taken to theatre,” said Mr Gene Jacobs, paramedic and owner of Legacy Emergency Medical Services.


The management from Legends Liquor responded, “It is business as usual, and unfortunately it is a fact of living in South Africa  there are always safety issues and risks. We would really like to thank the police as well as CSC Virtual Guarding. Their response was exceptional! In addition to the CPF and everybody else involved, a heartfelt appreciation for your assistance and effort. For all the messages of concern from our loyal customers and friends, we really appreciate it.”


The liquor outlet reassured all patrons that their safety and that of their staff is always a priority.


Police are still searching for the other four suspects and anyone with information can phone the Crime Stop number 08600 10111 or send information via MYSAPSAPP.


All the information received will be treated as confidential and callers may remain anonymous.


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