Rapist allegedly tried to bribe the victim to keep quiet

Do not protect abusers, report them.

Amid 16 Days of Activism Against Women and Child Abuse, another woman fell prey to being raped.

The spotlight is on the daily struggle many women and children face against gender-based violence.

A case of rape has been reported at the Witbank Police Station.

The victim reported that a man enquired about a room to let. The victim said that she was clothed in her nightgown at the time.

The male allegedly instructed her to undress and locked the door.

After the alleged rape, the victim told the assailant that she will open a case of rape against him.

He then allegedly proceeded to try to give her money to remain silent, but she refused.

Witbank Police Spokesperson, Captain Eddie Hall, said that their theme for the 16 Days of Activism Campaign for 2022 is: ‘Socio-economic rights and empowerment to build women’s resilience against gender-based violence and femicide: Connect, Collaborate, Contact’.

He also said that the eMalahleni community is encouraged to play their part with some tips.

Reject and report abusers, act, and don’t look away.

Do not protect abusers, report them.

Do not engage in abusive activities and becomes an abuser ‒ stop the abuse!

Challenge and denounce cultural practices that perpetuate gender inequalities.

Be sensitive and supportive to GBV victims, share helpful information, and support causes near you.

Seek personal help to change harmful behaviours such as alcohol and substance abuse. Teach children values of gender equality.

Protect children from exposure to violence and harmful content on the internet and social media, including pornography, and sexual solicitation.

Members of the public can also call the Crime Stop number at 08600 10111.

Alternatively, information can be sent via the MYSAPSAPP.

All information received will be treated confidentially, and callers may opt to remain anonymous.


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