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Men’s Imbizo against drugs and children abuse

Pastor Mahlangu is concerned about the increasing of children without their fathers. As an organisation they have programmes to protect children.

The Emalahleni Men of Destiny call for men and young men to attend Imbizo against drugs and children abuse.

Chairperson of the organisation Pastor Ignatius Mahlangu said now is the time for men as heads to stand up and declare war against drugs, alcohol abuse, children abuse and teenage pregnancy.

Drugs, alcohol and teenage pregnancy destroy families and the nation.

“Drugs and alcohol have now become a culture in South Africa. In every town or city, ward to ward there are more than one tavern. Rich, poor and even pastors are affected by this pandemic. Let’s join hands together under the theme, your child is my child and fight this pandemic and protect our children. We are living in a very difficult time where our teens are exposed to many dangers. The way adults conduct themselves in front of young people is contributing to the situation and children practice what they see, more that what they learn,” said Pastor Mahlangu.

He noted that young girls became sexually active at a very young age and became pregnant and the number is increasing leading to children growing up without both parents in an absence of a father figure.

He said children growing up in that environment tend to be exposed to drugs, alcohol abuse and crime.

Pastor Mahlangu urged parents to be good teachers before they enter school.

Pastor Mahlangu is concerned about the increasing of children without their fathers. As an organisation they have programmes to protect children.

They offer life skills, character building and sports programmes.

The organisation is against ‘pens down’ parties and urged parents to be responsible parents and support their children.

The Imbizo will take place on Saturday, November 19 starting a 10:00 at the Christ Church in Phase 4 next to Shabangu bus depot.

For more information, please contact Pastor Mahlangu at: 076 391 3247.


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