Tasbetpark’s hockey girls are more than winners

Laerskool Tasbetpark’s u.13 hockey team made history when they won the Nkangala B League.

Laerskool Tasbetpark’s u.13 hockey team are unbeaten in this year’s league.

They are the winners of the Nkangala B League. Even though it was the ‘friendly’ league, these girls left their hearts on the field every single match.

With their excellent sportsmanship and positive fighting spirit, they were undefeated, playing against eight schools. Nothing could stop these girls from giving their best.

“During every game, you could see how they motivated each other and supported one another when one of the girls had an ‘off day’,” said their coach Ms Christine van der Schyff.

Each player had a key role in the success of the team. Teamwork and camaraderie were visible throughout the season.

“As a coach, I am exceptionally proud of them. This will surely be a season to remember,” she concluded.

Mahlabelele Mahlakoane, head girl of the school said this was by far the best season they had,

“It was not about the win, it was about forming a stronger team, having fun and learning,” Mahlabelele said.

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