
Pindulo launches supplier development campaign supported by Transalloys

One of the core objectives of Pindulo's #Siyaphambili supplier development programme will be to support, uplift and empower the selected SMEs' growth and sustainability in the region.

As part of its ongoing commitment to community engagement, upliftment and empowerment, Pindulo has launched the pilot phase of its #Siyaphambili supplier development programme.

Created in response to ongoing community and stakeholder conversations, and supported by Transalloys, the programme will see select SME beneficiaries take part in a targeted supplier development programme designed to improve their sustainability and future growth. With the “expression of interest” phase launched this week, local transport SMEs are encouraged to find out if they qualify for this exciting journey and to apply if they do.

Meaning “let’s move forward together” in isiZulu, Pindulo’s #Siyaphambili pilot supplier development programme has been designed as an outcome of continued community engagement, with the support of its key customer, Transalloys. Launched this week, the first phase of the programme, the call to action, will invite local transport SMEs to find out more about the initiative and apply if they are interested. They will then be guided through a registration and detailed selection phase, with three successful SMEs ultimately identified as programme beneficiaries.

“We’re excited to be taking the first step of this journey and opening the application process,” says Kevin Changoo, co-CEO of Pindulo VDM. “This will educate and inform local SMEs about how application and registration works, and related requirements.”

He noted that qualifying SMEs will need to register their expression of interest and complete a detailed questionnaire about their business before the closing date of September 19. “This will assist us to understand each applicant’s current reality, what their transport business looks like, what their future vision of success is, and what is needed to unlock this vision in their SME. We’re looking for applicants with transport experience and with a clear passion for what they do. They must be committed to their own growth and want to add value to their and our clients!”

Changoo said one of the core objectives of the supplier development programme will be to support the selected SMEs’ growth and sustainability in the region. “This includes a possible opportunity to subcontract to Pindulo when they are ready and to service our key client, Transalloys, with whom we’ve worked closely from inception to developing this programme.”

Glenrose Shimusi, LED practitioner of Transalloys, explains that even though this is a pilot project, the application and selection process will already unlock impact in stakeholder communities because of how it has been structured. “We’ve used the insights from ongoing community engagements to create a process that helps SMEs to unpack their own strengths and identify the gaps they see for themselves as development areas. After completing the detailed registration form, we will then go through a comprehensive shortlisting exercise – with qualifying SMEs invited to pitch for a slot on the programme. We will assist them to prepare for this presentation with relevant training, which they will be able to use well beyond this opportunity.”

Both Changoo and Shimusi encourage local community SMEs to find out more and get involved. “We are mindful of the realities and challenges facing many businesses in our communities, and remain committed to partnering with them to tackle these. Our hope is for #Siyaphambili to start unlocking the full potential of this region and take all of us closer to our vision of collective success together.”

Interested local entrepreneurs who want to apply should get in touch with Pindulo’s ESD programme partner, Phakamani.

Email:, or visit the Pindulo or Phakamani Facebook pages to find out more.

Applications close on September 19.

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