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Good Samaritans mark dangerous road and put up road signs in front of Laerskool Klipfontein

Driving along Pienaar Street is now a breeze with the new road markings.

About a month ago, WITBANK NEWS reported on a significant challenge in Klipfontein Ext 16 concerning pedestrian safety in Pienaar Street near a school, following an accident.

Residents had been pleading for help for a long time regarding safety on Pienaar Street, particularly for children, when a good samaritan heard their cries and came to their aid.

After reading the article, AfriForum contacted ward councillor Kim Faduk and offered assistance.

They intend to address the issue on Pienaar Street by placing road marks and signs.

On Thursday, June 2 AfriForum began marking the road and CJ Handyman placed signs because the main issue was people driving in the wrong direction.

Clr Faduk expressed her heartfelt gratitude to AfriForum and CJ Handyman for the road markings, signs and paint work in Pienaar Street, outside Laerskool Klipfontein’s entrance.

“Your assistance to the Ward 33 community is greatly appreciated,” concluded Clr Faduk.

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