Witbank High assists a flood-affected school in KZN

R30 000 and more for flood-affected school.

It was an unforeseen event that occurred in KwaZulu-Natal; no one could have anticipated what occurred.

However, with the good people out there willing to make the world a better place, such an event can be circumvented.

SEE THE VIDEO HERE: Witbank High lent a helping hand to flood-affected school in KZN.


Witbank High School helped one of the flood-affected schools by organizing a drive, but their efforts did not stop there.


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On Thursday, June 9, the principal, Mr Richard Osinga of Witbank High announced that they’re travelling to KZN to donate the charitable contributions they have received, as well as R30 000 to Tholulwazi Secondary School.

To name a few things that were to be donated, there were: stationary, clothes, blankets, and shoes.


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Mr Osinga stated that the school is very excited to have developed an initiative to adopt a school in KZN. They sincerely appreciate everyone’s help as a school.

They hope by taking this initiative, other schools will follow suit, as they have seen in the media that approximately 271 schools have been affected.


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He added that it is only a drop in the ocean and if other schools join, because the issue of global warming will affect us all one way or another, and they will come to their rescue one day.

They are appealing to companies and schools that can adopt other schools in KZN to do so.

Witbank High School’s Governing Body Chairperson Solly Ndimande expressed gratitude to those who contributed. “We believe God will use our donations to help them get out of this situation,” he concluded.

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