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In a few days Witbank SAPS stopped the spike in drugs and sniffed out 17 suspects

The ‘spike’ in drugs was ‘sniffed’ out 17-times in only a few days by Witbank Police the past week.

Drugs are on sale at almost every corner in the streets of eMalahleni.

Witbank SAPS made an astonishing 17 arrests this past week in regards to dealing and buying drugs.

On October 5 it all started in the Central Business District (CBD) when two suspected drug dealers were apprehended.

In the first incident, the crime prevention unit of Witbank SAPS got a tip-off about a lady carrying drugs around; upon their arrival they searched her and found 10 small foils with substances believed to be drugs.

Just around the corner of the first arrest another man was stopped and searched; the police found a yellow bag containing a transparent plastic bag with a white powder substance believed to be drugs.

Both the suspected drug dealers were arrested and the drugs were taken to SAP13.

On October 6 the arrests escalated to seven suspected dealers and users as the police kicked the day off by a stop and search patrol.

In one of the incidents, the police were patrolling Haig Street when an officer spotted two men exchanging something. They stopped them and searched both the men. It is believed that one of the men had a bag of alleged drugs on him as the other one had hard cold cash.

The suspects were taken to the station and were charged with the possession and dealing of drugs.

The crime prevention patrol got heated as another six men were stopped and searched in the streets of the CBD. All these suspects were arrested as drugs were in the possession of all of them.

The next few days eight more arrests were made in these drug filled streets, downtown.

On October 7, 8, 9 and 10 the police made sure their ‘house’ is clean by sweeping the drugs off the streets.

“We will not tolerate drugs in our community. If we catch you with illegal substances, you will have consequences. We will do everything in our power to prevent drugs from being distributed in eMalahleni. The community members are our eyes and ears and are urged to report any suspicious activity which involves any crime,” Capt Eddie Hall from Witbank Police Station concluded.


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