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Lindokuhle slams pots and pans against unemployment

Lindokuhle is ‘cooking’ up a storm against unemployment

The youth of the country continue to show their independence and creative skills through business development.

Lindokuhle Yoko-Hlomuka is an innovative young woman who started a business as a way to fight against the unemployment rate in the country.

The Eastern Cape-born woman is not only focused on job creation, she wants to cook warm home-cooked meals for those who are too ‘lazy’ to cook.

Lindokuhle told WITBANK NEWS that she started with a hair business but saw more opportunities in the culinary industry.

The 26-year-old businesswoman mentions that her business is not only targeted at individuals but also selling lunch packs for businesses around eMalahleni.

“I hated cooking when I was younger because my grandmother made me do it a lot, but I grew to love it and I saw a business opportunity,” said Lindokuhle. “Limitless Kalibre is my baby and I hope it grows and flourishes.”

Limitless Kalibre is gradually growing as Lindokuhle explained that she has another young lady that helps her with marketing the business.

Yoko-Hlomuka says that she would like to have a café with live music and more customers shortly.

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