Madiba Day drive thru for the SPCA

Witbank SPCA firstly would like to say thank you to each individual who made a donation

Pet and Pool Warehouse hosted a special Madiba Day drive thru in aid of the Witbank SPCA.

This was held on Saturday, July 17 outside Pet and Pool.

Witbank SPCA firstly would like to say thank you to each individual who made a donation.

Once again the SPCA was blessed out of their socks.

“Then to Pet and Pool Warehouse for having us, thank you for always supporting us. And to our brave little SPCA elves for enduring the chilly weather for the love of our animals,” said Charlene Barnes.

The drive thru worked so nicely; everyone just dropped off their contribution and that made the day so special.

“eMalahleni community you make us so proud and we won’t be able to continue with our work without each one of you,” said Charlene.

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