Rumours of robberies at schools had parents up in arms

A tutor from a learning centre was robbed during the early morning hours.

There have been a lot of rumours going around that aftercare nurseries and private schools were robbed in one day; this statement is false.

On Thursday, April 8 several messages were floating around on social media platforms claiming that several private schools, aftercare schools and nurseries have been robbed in the Klipfontein and Reyno Ridge areas.

This was not the case and false information was given to various parents and residents.

There was one incident where a tutor from a learning centre was robbed during the early morning hours on Thursday, April 8.

The tutor arrived at the learning centre only to find that an unknown male was waiting for her. The suspect demanded the tutor to open the learning centre, and they went inside.

The suspect then took the victim’s car keys and the building’s keys. The suspect then locked the victim inside the building and went to her car.

The victim who chose to stay anonymous said: “It happened early in the morning when he locked me inside the building. I went and lock the gate in the hallway of the building for my protection. The keys that he took did not have a key for the hallway gate.”

No one was injured during this incident and no learners were involved, but it was still a dramatic experience for the tutor.

The suspect left the scene with cash from the vehicle.

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