Resident must relocate but feels she is being harassed

Already 16 families have been moved to Siyanqoba, and she is part of the group that must relocate to Kromdraai

Ms Joyce Hluphekile Maphanga says she has been staying peaceful at Hlalanikahle in Extension 2 (F Section) for more than 20 years.

But now she alleges that she is harassed to relocate.

She says her daughter, Johanna Masilela applied for an RDP house and her house was approved in Hlalanikahle Extension 3.

Her problems started when electrical poles were put in the area.

“I was told that I must move out of my place and go and look for another place in Kromdraai in Empumelelweni. I went to the municipality only to be told that my stand has been put on hold, and I was not told the reason why. I was only told that surveyors would come to evaluate my stand,” said Maphanga. Maphanga added to say one of the committee members removed her fence on the instruction of ward Cllr Jappie Msibi.

She says her neighbours are harassing her, and she has been told that she must move.

She also indicated that she has opened a case of harassment at Vosman Police Station.

Cllr Msibi in his response told WITBANK NEWS that Maphanga was not telling the whole truth about being moved to Kromdraai and that she was not harassed.

The stand of Ms Joyce Maphanga at Hlalanikahle in Extension 2 (F Section). She claims that people had removed her fence without any reason.







He said after the areas were surveyed, it was found that some people had to move for development to take place in the area.

“Already 16 families have been moved to Siyanqoba, and she is part of the group that must relocate to Kromdraai. We are treating everybody equally, she was told to remove her fence because it was in the way. The process of development was explained to everybody, and they all agreed to terms and conditions. Ms Maphanga wants to be treated differently and has called members of the EFF in Vosman trying to stop development in the area,” explained Cllr Msibi.

Cllr Msibi also indicated that he was also called to the police station to explain the issue of development and Maphanga was present.

Cllr Msibi also sent WITBANK NEWS a list showing that Maphanga was among the people that must be moved to Kromdraai.  

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