
Preventing burns at home

Preventing burn injuries is the first step to keeping children in your home safe from burns.

Most burns sustained by children younger than 5 years happen at home and the majority of these happens in the kitchen. As the season changes to winter, the risk of accidental burns at home also increases.

Preventing burn injuries is the first step to keeping children in your home safe from burns.

Tips on how to prevent burns in the kitchen:

  • Turn pans and pot handles out of easy reach of children
  • Keep hot drinks out of reach of young children
  • A hot cup of tea can cause a severe burn if pulled down from a counter or table top
  • Secure electrical kettle cords away from inquisitive little hands.

How do I prevent burns at home?

  • Always put cold water in the bath first and then add the hot water.
  • Test the water temperature with your elbow before allowing children to get into the bath.
  • Put out any open flames when leaving a room and when going to sleep.
  • Teach children to stop, drop and roll if their clothes catch fire.

What can you safely do when a burn happened?

  • Stop, Cool and Cover.
  • Stop the burn by removing the child from the heat source.
  • Make sure that no further injury can happen.
  • Cool the burn with cool running water for 20 minutes but try to keep the child warm.
  • Do not apply butter or toothpaste or any other ointment not meant for a burn.
  • Cover the burn with something loose, light and non-sticky like a clean, clear plastic bag or cling wrap.
  • Seek medical help if a large blister forms or if the skin comes off, if the face, hands or private parts are involved or if the burn larger than the size of the child’s palm.

Life Cosmos Hospital has a state-of-the-art six bed Burns Unit that caters for paediatric and adult patients and accepts Injury-on-duty patients.

The dedicated unit has a Multi-disciplinary team of specialists to ensure comprehensive care. For more information about the Burns Unit at Life Cosmos Hospital, please contact .    

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