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All is well with WITBANK NEWS

Witbank News is seen as the watchdog of the community – that, without prejudice or preference, inform and report accurately and objectively about the joys and pains of the city and its people.

Over the years WITBANK NEWS has become an integral part of the community of eMalahleni.

Between 1903 and 1909 news about the then Witbank, was incorporated into the Middelburg Observer under the heading “Community News”. The Middelburg Observer and the Witbank News were published as one newspaper between 1909 and 1916.

By 1917 the town had developed to such an extent that it justified having its own newspaper and WITBANK NEWS was born.

“With a vibrant team of journalists and a dynamic advertising team, we deliver the best quality product to our readers, resulting in local and national businesses recognising us as the preferred media choice in the local market,” said Ms Amanda Botha, editor of WITBANK NEWS.

The newspaper is seen as the watchdog of the community – that, without prejudice or preference, inform and report accurately and objectively about the joys and pains of the city and its people. WITBANK NEWS counts among the top three best-selling weekly community newspapers in the country.

The team bringing you a jam-packed newspaper loaded with community news are; Zita Goldswain, Chrisuné Vermeulen, Dewald de Beer, Samantha Traill and Solly Maseko. On the advertising side, we have Lizelle Botha, Sonja Botha and Annelie Erasmus as well as Sharon Zwane, Lolo Ntsele (classifieds) and Cecilia Maduane (admin).

WITBANK NEWS is part of the Caxton stable. Founded in 1980 by entrepreneurs Terry Moolman and Noel Coburn, Caxton & CTP Publishers, Printers and Distributors is a major participant in the South African print media industry.

For more about the latest ABC report about community newspapers visit: 

Facebook – https://fb.watch/3ILg5ltL04/

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6767771187176202240

BizCommunity – https://www.bizcommunity.com/Article/196/90/213138.html

Spark Media Blog – https://sparkmedia.co.za/audit-bureau-of-circulations-abc-summary-data-for-the-fourth-quarter-of-2020/

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