
Cosatu leading in a wide socio-economic protest action

The protesters started in the form of motorcades from the Lynnville Stadium to the city to hand over their memorandum at different places and government departments

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) in Mpumalanga took to the streets in a provincial wide protest action to take forward the Cosatu National Day of Action campaign.

Cosatu leads the nationwide protest action to fight against socio-economic challenges on Wednesday, October 7.

Members of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) in Mpumalanga marching in the city to hand over their memorandum to different places on Wednesday, October 7 during the Cosatu National Day of Action campaign.

They marched to fight against the scourge of corruption, to fight for quality, safe and accessible transport, to fight against job losses and retrenchments, to fight against the attack on collective bargaining, to fight for health and safe workplaces and to fight against tenderisation, outsource of work and decent work for all.

The protesters started in the form of motorcades from the Lynnville Stadium to the city to hand over their memorandum at different places and government departments.

Cosatu members marching towards different departments to hand over a memorandum during Cosatu National Day of Action campaign held on Wednesday, October 7.

There were also other protest marches at other places in the provinces.

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