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September is the International Month for Deaf People

The main focus is on promoting the positive aspects of deafness, encouraging social inclusion and raising awareness of the organisations that support those who are deaf

September is the International Month for Deaf People in commemoration of the first World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf which took place in September in 1951.

The International Month for Deaf People is a time of celebrating deafness.

It is observed annually throughout the month of September.

The main focus is on promoting the positive aspects of deafness, encouraging social inclusion and raising awareness of the organisations that support those who are deaf.

According to the provincial director of Deaf Federation of South Africa Mr Christopher Nair the national month of deaf people is held for the whole month of September, it is commemorated through various activities such as marches, debates, campaigns, exhibitions and training of basic South African sign language and meetings.

“However, due to Covid-19, DeafSA could not continue with the above as we fully support and comply with our government’s regulations to safeguard our staff and clients. This has not stopped us from continuing with our activities and DeafSA has decided to host all our trainings, meetings, and communications through online apps such as Webinars, Zoom, Skype and Microsoft Team,” said Mr Nair.

The theme for 2020 is: ‘Reaffirming Deaf People’s Human Rights’.

DeafSA Mpumalanga offices are continuing with training of South Africa Sign Language (SASL) to the public, departments, municipalities, correctional services, some schools, and anyone requesting training and at the same time following the Covid -19 regulations.

All offices are having webinars with different themes and Mpumalanga will be hosting a webinar in partnership with the Department of Social Development on Friday, September 25 from 10:00 till 12:00.

The topic is ‘Deaf Leadership.

Leaders are able to raise their challenges, achievements and any other matters they will like our government to assist with.

“DeafSA has invited the Deaf leaders as well as the MEC of Social Development to be our guest speakers and brief the delegates attending on the topic. The webinar will also acknowledge leaders who have fought tiredly for the Deaf in the past years of Mpumalanga. It is opened to both the Deaf and hearing people and all provinces can attend. The link will be emailed or sent on WhatsApp to anyone willing to join,” added Mr Nair.

The month of September for Deaf People is a time of celebrating deafness.

It is observed annually throughout the month.

The main focus is on promoting the positive aspects of deafness, encouraging social inclusion and raising awareness of the organisations that support those who are deaf.

The Deaf Federation of South Africa (DeafSA) and the South African National Deaf Association (SANDA) both promote awareness of the rights of Deaf persons in South Africa.

People are encouraged to be part of the debate on how best to promote the rights of persons with disabilities in South Africa.

Should anyone need SASL training or more information about Deaf Culture and the organisation, please contact the Provincial Director Mr Christopher Nair on 071 624 2868 (SMS/WhatsApp) or email: provincialdirector.mp@deafsa.co.za.

You may also call our office on 013 656 1996.

The Department of Social Development looks after the rights of deaf people thought the DisabilityRights Team.

Follow them on @Disability SA and use #DisabilityRightsSA on all social media.

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