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Wards fight about work at Impungwe Hospital

They claim that only residents from Ward 19 must be allowed to work at the hospital not residents from Wards 21 and 33

The residents of Ward 19 are up in arms protesting against what they term as unfair treatment by residents of other wards.

Impungwe Hospital in the area is under renovation, and people residing in the nearby Benicon, Masakhane, El Paso and Duvha Park areas are working on site.

They claim that only residents from Ward 19 must be allowed to work at the hospital not residents from Wards 21 and 33.

“Residents from the two wards had projects in their wards and did not allow us to work in those projects and now we are returning the favour and treating them with the same medicine. We will continue to chase them away from working in the hospital, they are not welcomed here,” said the fuming residents.

According to the resident’s renovations at the hospital started about two weeks ago.

The residents further said they have invited Cllr Tsepho Ngulube to address them and sort out the matter.

Cllr Ngulube confirmed that it was true that there are problems at the hospital.

He further indicated that when the project started a steering committee was formed and he was approached by residents from Ward 21 and 33 to be part of the committee and adjustments were made so that four members from the two wards be included in the committee to have harmony.

“Going further there were threats made by members from Ward 21 and 33 to close down the project and chasing people from Ward 19 from the project. The threats were not well received by residents from Ward 19 and they decided to go protect residents from their ward and did want to see the project stopping since the hospital is offering essential service to the community.”

Cllr Ngulube then called a meeting to find a solution to the problem and it was decided that people from Ward 21 and 33 should cease to be part of the project since they did not show any respect and did not apologise for their actions.

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