
Former boyfriend arrested for gender-based violence

The suspect was traced and arrested in Shatale near Bushbuck Ridge, Mpumalanga where he had been hiding since the incident occurred and avoiding arrest

Speaking up and standing up for yourself as a woman against violence does pay off as a former boyfriend of such a victim was arrested after setting her on fire.

On May 29, WITBANK NEWS reported on the very disturbing case of Karabo Mnisi that was set alight by her then-boyfriend in December 2019.

A viral post on social media was placed by a family friend of the victim as a plea for assistance for the family after the victim was burned during a domestic violence attack on her.

The plea proceeded to state that in December 2019.

Karabo Mnisi was set alight after her boyfriend poured paraffin over her and lit a match, leaving her with severe burn wounds over her entire body.

Mnisi stated to the police that on December 21 in Old Coronation, she asked her boyfriend if she could go home to visit her child.

An altercation started after the suspect declined her request to leave.

She alleges that is it then when he doused her with paraffin and set her alight.

Karabo Mnisi is in recovery after her former boyfriend set her on fire in December 2019.

A massive manhunt for the suspect was launched by Witbank Police.

The suspect was traced and arrested in Shatale near Bushbuck Ridge, Mpumalanga where he had been hiding since the incident occurred and avoiding arrest.

WITBANK NEWS had an exclusive interview with Mnisi on how she felt when she received the news of the arrest.

“I am very happy to know that he has finally been arrested. For the first time since December I can now fully focus on my recovery and not live in fear of him returning to hurt me again,” an emotional Mnisi stated.

Mnisi is still receiving care in hospital and has to undergo numerous operations due to the extent of her burn wounds and has a steep time ahead of her to full recovery but after the good news was more positive than ever.

Cpt Eddie Hall, Spokesperson of Witbank Police Station added that they are committed to proactive prevention of gender-based violence and commended the work of the Police on the arrest.

Community members can report gender-based related crimes to SAPS on 10111 or at Crime Stop number on 0860010111 or via SMS to 32211. Alternatively one can phone the National Gender-Based Violence toll-free number on 0800150150 or National Counseling line on 0861 123 321 or Legal aid on 0800 110 110.

“We urge the public to report all gender base related crimes as soon as possible to the police. Victims of physical or emotional abuse are urged to obtain protection or harassment orders at Witbank Magistrate court. The protection of our most vulnerable groups namely women and children are and will stay a priority for the police especially during the lockdown period,” Hall concluded.

Suspect appears in court on attempted murder charge for burning girlfriend

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