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Police members went an extra mile and display a sense of caring to a needy family

Police went out of their call of duty to assist a family in Phola.

Sergeants Mabitjie Mampa, Patricia Nomsa Sindane, Constable Sandile Msibi as well as Constable Tebogo Masango made the police in Mpumalanga, particularly the Phola Police Station proud when they donated much-needed household goods to a needy family of five who lives in appalling conditions.

They handed donations over to the family on Sunday, June 28.

These Good Samaritans felt compelled to go an extra mile to help when they saw the conditions the family were living in. The family had no decent furniture and the situation demanded them to act beyond what they are paid for.

The journey began when they responded to a complaint at Bhodli Section in Phola where upon arrival, they found a 61-year-old woman with disabilities of being deaf and her daughter who is visually impaired. The old woman also lives with three grandchildren who are fully dependant on her.

Sergeant Mampa and the team were overwhelmed by the situation which ignited a spirit of compassion in them to a point where they immediately took a decision to go beyond the call of duty and mobilised stakeholders to donate furniture to the pensioner.

These members managed to get people who agreed to assist the family.

Mr Ben Zwane and Mr Wander Mashiane of Sinawe Security Services came to the rescue and donated two new beds, one kitchen unit, three blankets, one comforter, four carpets as well as four pillows.

Sergeant Mampa’s team continued with their mission and handed over the gifts to the family who could not hold back their joy as they received the donated items.

The elderly woman was filled with joy and thanked the police for their generosity. She also extended her warm appreciation to Sinawe Security Services. The old woman had never thought in her life that police officers could have such caring hearts.

The Provincial Commissioner of the South African Police Service in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Mondli Zuma has commended the members for their generosity.

“We are quite busy with our daily duties, however, as the SAPS family, we do not turn a blind eye when we come across situations that need us to show our human compassion and care for the society that we serve. Society needs to understand that police officers are human beings with feelings as well and they come from normal families like everyone else. Therefore the society should treat them as they treat their brothers and sisters. People must know that police officers are not their enemies but rather they are essential public servants that are there to serve them,” said General Zuma.

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