White Rose Hospice on market

White Rose Hospice for sale after years of caring for the terminally ill.

Criminals showed that they were running out of things to steal when they stole copper pipes on two occasions in a week, outside a hospice centre on Monday, June 1.

The director of White Rose Hospice, Ms Magda Esterhuizen, was left with no choice but to prioritize safety by putting their property on the market as they are only women working at the centre, after the second incident.

On Sunday, June 7 the culprits broke into the kitchen of the centre, to steal its cooking utensils.

“They broke into the kitchen and took food, a kettle, a heater and other kitchen utensils.”

This comes after repairs of the stolen copper pipes that were offered by the owner of Sisters, a bus company situated in the same area, Ivan Siwela.

“He offered to do the repairs free of charge. What a kind and generous man. And the ward councillor Anthonie Brits has been in constant contact with me and has been a blessing to Hospice during our difficulties” she added.

Although this was an unpleasant incident, Esterhuizen pitied possible reasons as to why criminals might be stealing at the centre.

“The unemployment, people are hungry so they will do anything to survive,” she said.

Those interested in purchasing the organizations’ building should contact agent Jackie Louw on 076 087 7928.
“The building is perfect if somebody wants to open a boarding house or guest house,” said Magda.

“We have had some people to look at the property but no offers yet,” she added.

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