Families receive much-needed food vouchers from North Block Colliery

North Block Complex (NBC) mine, a subsidiary of Universal Coal managed to feed more than 140 families.

North Block Complex Colliery Team, led by its general manager, Maleho Musi distributed food vouchers, sanitizers and face masks to the farm community of Paardeplaats.

In an attempt to fight and combat the spread of the deadly COVID-19 epidemic, the president made a clarion call that companies should provide help to the vulnerable communities where possible.

North Block Complex (NBC) mine, a subsidiary of Universal Coal heeded the call. The company started a local solidarity fund where contractors contributed an amount of their choice to the fund. It was through this generous contribution NBC Colliery was able to purchase food vouchers and other necessities. NBC colliery partnered with the Department of Social Development, Mpumalanga for food vouchers and goodies distribution.

On April 29 NBC Colliery Team, led by its general manager, Maleho Musi distributed food vouchers, sanitisers and face masks to the delighted farm community of Paardeplaats.

“To date, we managed to feed more than 140 families,” Musi said.

The company Stakeholder Engagement Manager, Lesetja Mankuru, said since poverty has many features, they intend to provide support to the vulnerable people on a sustainable basis.

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