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Electricity Cut Off Warning

It is reported that Eskom intends to cut the electricity supply to the City unless a substantial amount is paid within 14 days of the notice

The Municipality is currently implementing its Credit and Debt Collection Policy.

It is reported that Eskom intends to cut the electricity supply to the City unless a substantial amount is paid within 14 days of the notice.

Statistics from the credit control division have indicated that the 19 000 residents in the western area have the highest debt to the Municipality and very low cut off action is occurring.

The 3000 consumers in the Eastern part of the city have a debt in comparison to the Western area, and yet offer much less resistance to the cut off action.

The cut off action has proven to be very effective in past events.

The objectives of the Credit Control and Debt Collection Policy are as follows:

1. To define a framework within which the municipality can develop an effective procedure to bill and collect its revenues;
2. To ensure that all monies due and payable to the municipality are collected and used to deliver municipal services in the best interests of the community, residents and ratepayers and in a financially sustainable manner as prescribed by the Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000), and other applicable legislation;
3. To maintain and implement a credit control and debt collection policy, which is consistent and complies with Section 97 of the Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000).
4. To ensure that the municipality develops credit control procedures and mechanisms that are considered to be consistent, fair and effective to all its consumers.
In this regard the municipality will continue to implement the policy and has developed a Programme in an attempt to recoup more money from the defaulting residents in a massive manner and hope for drastic response in payment.

The scheduled programme will include a Bulk Cut Off, in areas with a very low payment rate and unless a payment of 50% of that area improves, power will not be restored.

Normal Cut Off will also be intensified in all other areas as per plan and in an event the community resist the employees of council to cut off and engage in illegal connections the area will be subjected to a Bulk Cut Off.

There will be areas that will be subjected to a seven hour load shedding to force the residents to pick up the payment rate.

The schedule will be as follows:

1.1 Phola
1.2 Rietspruit
1.3 Klarinet Ext 8
1.4 Empumelelweni
1.5 Wilge
1.6 Vosman


2.1 Klarinet 3,4 and 6
2.2 Hlalanikahle 1,2,3 and 4
2.3 Kwa-Guqa Extension 18

Issued by Emalahleni Local Municipality Communication; for enquiries contact

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